Welcome to my blog, it's my life, these are my thoughts. Sometimes they're cheerful and happy, sometimes they're a big pile of bantha fodder.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Who are you? I don't know." you say to yourself.

During my wonderful experience yesterday at church during our class, we were told - "Describe yourself, without anything involving your kids", "What do you like to do that has nothing to do with kids" (no so much word for word there, but you get the jist).

A couple of the ladies commented that they know nothing about themselves, they dont know what they like. I was so saddened by that because it touched me on a very personal level too.

I too have not known who I was for a very long time. I didnt know what I liked, what I wanted to do, I didn't even know who I was - I had no identity. For a very long time my identity was caught up in someone else, I had become like him. I was acting like him, liking what he liked, being ugly like him, degrading people "just like him". That situation ended - and guess what..... here sat a sad, broken, worthless girl who had no idea of who she was - I was lost. I was lost because I had let some other person dictate to me who I was going to be.

Over the last year and a half or so, I have been entertaining my "old ways" - but now I am more selective and more convicted about some of those things - some I don't like at all anymore and some I like to keep as a part of who I am. I am re-learning what it was that I liked before, before my focus was taken off me. I always knew deep down what I wanted or my most deepest desires - but I saw it as being something he would not approve of or support.

It has taken me 8 years to get to a point where I know who I am, what I like and dislike, and what I want. I am so glad Jesus got ahold of me, before I did - again.

Art is a major part of my life - I love to create - Just like God my Father "created" the heavens and the earth - I am a part of creation, I share in that creation. God re-created me into the person that I am now. He grew me from meek and mindless girl into a holy and honorable woman of God.

My husband gets to see a different side of me now, that he's never seen before! I hope that is a good thing. I dont want to be like I was - I want to be like I am now - and living for Christ EVERYDAY. My identity is in Christ Jesus. I am more me now than I've been in a very very long time. I missed her and I love her!

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