Welcome to my blog, it's my life, these are my thoughts. Sometimes they're cheerful and happy, sometimes they're a big pile of bantha fodder.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Lucky #13.....2013 that is.... we shall see

Happy New Year?  Lord, I hope so.

Brought in the new year in true Dillon style.  I/We've been sick for a week and a half.  So on my first outing since before Christmas, hubby took me and the kids out to eat dinner - Mexican food, typically my favorite thing to eat.  Let me just say it got the better of me last night - so you don't have to guess too many times to figure out where I was at midnight.  I spent my evening crocheting and being depressed over recent events in my life, a reflection on the negative if you will.  Aside from that, as I was ready for bed before midnight, and as I climbed into bed, my bed collapsed, so we spent the night on the couches, after 1st attempting to sleep on the sleeper sofa..... yea, no.   Way to wring out the old and bring in the new - a broken bed, then a fight with my dinner and being stricken by an unfathomable sense of homesickness (which I've been dealing with).

It is with new hopes and dreams and at some point, happier thoughts (once I get passed the grieving state), that I take on the new year.  I wish I had some words of wisdom or some amazing feat that I plan to accomplish this year, but I don't.  I do have new year plans, but they're not for world domination or for weight lose or anything of the usual unattainable nonsense of another cliche' new year resolution.  After the wringer of a year we had with 2012, I pray that 2013 brings about a much better 12 months.   2012 wasn't plain awful, but the last month of it certainly ate my lunch and took my sanity and jumped out the window with it.  Lots of wonderful things happened in 12, I just wish I could focus on only the good, but I cant, because I am letting the bad consume me right now as I sit here in a very dark lonely place.  

My plan for 2013 is just to get a handle on finances, pay off some debt,  focus on what is really important, spend better quality time hanging out with my kids AND possibly getting a job to take off some of the pressure for my Mahoney.  At this point, I am very much concerned about our future and where we will be in the next 10/20/30 years.  I know God has way better plans than mine, but I am unfortunately not sure what those plans are and I am tired of the torture we've gone through - so now I begin this year with hopefully a strong leading arm from God and many open doors for which I may walk through.  There's a whole lot of "me" work ahead this year.  God - do something with me - because you know I cant!!!

I wish you all health and provision in this new year :) 

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