Welcome to my blog, it's my life, these are my thoughts. Sometimes they're cheerful and happy, sometimes they're a big pile of bantha fodder.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012!

Last night we brought in 2012 with our best friends and our kids in the midst of fireworks bursting all around us.  As sleepy as I was, it was still a good time. Early to rise, well, okay, not really.... but 7:30 seemed early, I guess because I was so sleepy still.  I came in the living room and got on my couch and snuggled with my warm blankie....back out for some sleep.  I really had second thoughts about going to church this morning, but I knew God would honor me being there and besides, I am going for God, always in hopes of him speaking to me.  It was a appointment that I'm glad I didn't miss.  My pastor spoke on Ecclesiastes 3:1-11, speaking of "time".  Last year left me with lots of regrets and heartache.  I know that God is sovereign and is always in control of everything, but it doesn't seem like that when you're going through a tough time.  I tell myself a lot..."what if".... I've learned that there are not "ifs" with God.  God's timing is always perfect, his ways are always right and he's always there just in the nick of time.  Over this past year, I look back and have a lot of regrets, but I also know that God was with me the whole time.  Even when I'm hurting and don't like what's going on, He's faithful enough to be with me, even when I'm not faithful to him.  I can either sulk about the way 2011 went and look back with regret, or I can move on, look ahead and resolve!  I've decided to resolve with anxious anticipation as to what this new year will bring.  I, like the other 1,000,000's of people on this planet, have decided to make this year WAY better than last year.   I've also learned that when you're running a race and you make that fatal mistake of looking back, you will lose the race.  So I plan to run the race before with endurance and perseverance, not looking back to the past with all these what ifs' running through my mind.

I have consciously decided to be the best Godly woman, Wife, Mom, Best Friend, Aunt, Daughter, Sister, Niece, Granddaughter, Student and Massage Therapist I can possibly be, because ALL things are possible through MY Christ who strengthens me!  I am praying that this year will bring about a glorious change to my overall person.  I refuse to name these things out as "resolutions", I'd rather call them "goals", some long-term, some short-term, but either way, I am hoping to achieve some of these goals within this year. 

Perfect afternoon today, 1st church, then home for a home cooked healthy lunch consisting of rosemary chicken, baked sweet potatoes, fresh oven cooked green beans, a fresh concoction of brussel sprouts with grapes.  After lunch, more study time and some TV to vedge out and enjoy my last 2 days of freedom from having to leave my house!

God bless you and keep you this wonderful New Year - Happy 2012!

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