Welcome to my blog, it's my life, these are my thoughts. Sometimes they're cheerful and happy, sometimes they're a big pile of bantha fodder.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Stop it NOW

Unless you've been in a certain situation or situations, you don't really know how you'll handle them or what you'll do when these very real situations arise.

So many people will tell you that You need to just move on and get over it, get past it, pick your head up, keep moving forward, rely on God, etc.   Most of these people mean well and all.  The part that they don't get, is just how hard that really is.  

We are molded by the things that have happened in our lives, those things shape our thoughts and help us form our ideas based on EXPERIENCES.  Not all experiences are positive.  Not all things done by one human being to a another human being are that easily forgiven... or forgotten.  No, I don't let these things control my thoughts, but there are triggers that set the fire burning all over again.  Then the thoughts and actions rush to my mind and I find myself experiencing things all over again, in my head.  It sparks a fire me in that burns with a passion to NEVER see or watch anyone experience this kind of thing without taking some kind of action on it.  It disgusts me.  

Thoughts are extremely hard to erase.  Thoughts are the one thing you can't escape from.   You can escape the person, but I tell you what, you can't outrun your head, heart or the thoughts racing through your head.

There are many things that have happened in my life, during my childhood that should never happen to a child, or anyone else for that matter.   There are many things that happened in my young adult life that were spawned from my past.  These are difficult things that are hard to move past, the hurts - physical and mental, the manipulation, the control, the fight for who gets to be in charge of my thoughts, who gets to be in control of my body.  Oh and the whole "I'm the victim here" crap from the one doing the abusing.  Seriously?   Yep, because you're totally the victim if I tell on your perverted ass.  It's just one more way they get you to be quiet and not tell on them for their sick twisted selves.  Things that happen in the dark WILL be brought to light.  Think about this, if it happens to you, it will happen to someone else. So, STOP IT, stop.it.NOW!!!  Save yourself AND save someone else!  There are not enough explicatives to describe how I feel about this and words don't do justice for the disgust I feel about this a subject matter.

Before you tell someone not to let their past define who they are, walk for a second in their shoes.  They will be walking in their shoes for the rest of their life.  Better yet, I hope you never have to have these experiences that will be indelibly imprinted on your heart until the day you pass from this earth.  We're all walking, what is sometimes an incredibly difficult path.  

I am a Christian.  I believe in God, in his Holy Spirit and JESUS Christ as my Savior!  I love the a Lord!  I know God is bigger than any situation that I find myself in.  I believe in his healing power and I believe in His forgiveness.

The word of God says that if you don't forgive others, God won't forgive you.   I struggle with this, like a lot.  I truly hope that God takes into account the things we've been through, otherwise I'll never be truly forgiven.  I'm pretty the scripture is black and white in this area.  There's more than likely no gray area whatsoever when it comes to Gods word.  

Do you realize how hard it is to extend forgiveness to the very people who have had a hand in harming you... in my eyes, in completely unforgivable ways?   This is just sick stuff and it nauseates me... every fresh time that it comes to mind.  So, moving on doesn't always come easy, even with God.  

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