I've been fighting with sore tonsils for the last week, some of my previous days have been completely miserable. I've been fighting the urge to sleep a little than usual, just so I don't feel the pain when I am awake. I painfully sang my way through choir this morning, forcing my voice to work like I think it should. Not that I can carry a tune in a bucket a regular day without tonsil issues, but anyway, I made it through choir. I love choir, I just wish I was gifted with a beautiful voice. Sometimes I feel like I'll never measure up to my fellow choir members who sing so angelically. Stupid evil thoughts - curse thee satan, you suck.
So, I took my male dog to have him neutered on Friday. A simple procedure, but he needed to be anesthetized obviously. I am always fearful when anyone has to undergo anesthesia, sometimes they don't come out of it. I had this overwhelming feeling all day that they were going to call me... "Mrs. Dillon, I'm sorry but we have some bad news..." Thank the good Lord that didn't happen. I thought several times about calling the vet to tell them to forget it, but I didn't do it. My previously intact puppy came home ...out of tact? I don't know what you call it, aside from neutered. When my boys and I went to pick up my pooch and got him home, I showed them his incision and explained what they did to him - to which my son says "they took out his texticles!", to which I reply "precisely!" So I suppose there's no more texting for him!
Yesterday (Saturday) I had my very own version of Throw Momma From The Train... In my brilliance, I planned a perfect day with my perfect hubby and my two beautifully perfect children on a excursion to the historical Railroad Museum in Galveston to tour AND ride a real train, and decided on a delightfully exquisite lunch at Sunflower Bakery and Cafe' (I recommend it!) lunch was followed up by a leisurely drive down the seawall. In all my coolness as a mom, I snapped a gazillion photos, talked about how cool the trains are, enjoyed trolling in and out of hot train cars. We were all done with the 1st 4 train tracks of getonable train cars that we could get on. Engineers were taking a break from driving the train up and down the track, so we chilled and checked out my oldest child's favorite thing on the planet - the crossing gates!!! Nothing like a ding ding with flashing red lights and a gate hand....just ask him! Announced over the loud speaker was a message informing us that the train was now loading. We took off out the door and gave the conductor our tickets and boarded the train. We rode down the track, we stopped and we backed up and went back up the track where we began. We were pretty much the last couple of people to get off the train, so I step down all the steps onto the step stool at the bottom, well then it all went slow motiony after that. This is when my flipflop slid off the side of the stepstool, first thing to hit the ground was my pinky toe and side of my left foot, then all the sudden - in slow motion of course, my foot twisted and I fell on my right leg, bruising the lateral part of my lower leg, (my peroneus brevis muscle, for those who speak kinesiology :). I swear someone hit the slomo button during the entire thing. So, in all my coolness, I fell getting off the darn thing, bringing my coolness factor down about 9 notches from a 10 to 1!! I was extremely embarrassed. I looked around only to find myself on my butt and Rusty's hand stretched out to help me up. I got up dusted myself off, and went to the bathroom to cry! My perfectly beautiful day came to a screeching halt. Stupid Skechers!
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