Welcome to my blog, it's my life, these are my thoughts. Sometimes they're cheerful and happy, sometimes they're a big pile of bantha fodder.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Fine line of insanity

I am trying so hard to relish in the fact that if I am  biblically rearing my children in the way they should go, they truly won't depart from it when they're older.   I hope they one day realize how hard it is to be a parent and how many tears their mom (me) has cried over not being able to get them the things they want, or how many tears I shed over them mistreating me and acting as though I have nothing pertinent or important to add to their lives, or how many times I've holed myself up in my closet weeping because I feel as though I've lost my mind because my kids have no respect for me.  God, I need help.  Is my generosity hindering and hurting them, turning them into selfish little humans beings?  They get their fair share of the word no, but 1 no cancels out the last 20 things I've gotten for them or the last 8 places I've taken them, they turn it into 'you never let us do anything!'  Seriously??  After this day of smart comments, snide remarks, rolled eyes, ugly threats and mean things to say about his older brother, he received his punishment and has been sent to his room.  Something's got to give because I am walking a very fine line on the edge of insanity.... 'They're coming to take me away ha ha ho ho he he' I'm probably crazier than one person needs to be, but that's ok, we like it here. 

We'll just chalk this up to a rough couple of days..... Especially after that comment when he told his dad the other day that he was going to punch us in the nose because he didn't get his way ...... Really?  Bring it on big boy! 

The End.  For now.

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