This is the worldly me. Every now and then, maybe more often than that, I say a bad word or 3, or 4. I like to have an occasional drink of a spirited nature and I don't see a thing wrong with it. I don't have an alcohol problem. I know many Christians who drink wine, but are totally against alcohol. Ummm, Why? Isn't wine still alcohol? Oh that's right, wine is the only one mentioned in the bible and Jesus MADE it... So I suppose if he would have made tequila, it would be okay to drink that right? Newsflash! Alcohol by any other name is still alcohol.
Moving on. I like, no, I LOVE rock/hard rock/alternative music (Metallica on Saturday night, church on Sunday morning!). I have a tendency to think things at times that I wish I didn't think, things I wish did not run through my head. I am not a doormat and I will not tolerate being mistreated, used or abused, nor talked down to or made fun of. I am passionate about many things of this world we live in. One does not make it through the things I have in my life without being a bit feisty (I blame this one on my momma). She was a feisty, feisty woman, lots of brass haha. (My hubby loves this part of me, he thinks I'm totally hot when I get all brassy with someone). haha! It's a real challenge to expect respect from others with regards to my spirituality, when I participate in the some things of this world, so I don't expect people to walk on eggshells around me. I am still a human being, doing human things. I have certain lines that I won't cross, certain situations I will remove myself from if I feel like I shouldn't be there, not judgement on anyone's part, just for my own sake. I know what my triggers are and I know when I need to bail. Easy peasy.
My Christian life. I LOVE Jesus and I LOVE God! There's no bones about that!! I want those 2 loves to show in everything that I do, whether it be a worldly something or a church related something. I'm not about being a liar or hypocrite, but I am about growing and learning from my experiences and following Gods way as best as I can, and yes I do stray off course sometimes. I don't believe that ostracizing another human being is going to make them give a dang about the God I claim to love, especially if I am acting in a way that's contrary to what the bible teaches. I believe that we are to love EVERYONE around us, even the outcasts... and I DO. Sin is a sin is a sin, no matter the size, so YES, I am definitely a sinner. I mess up often and do things that are displeasing to God or against his word in scripture. You can't put a number scale on sin. It's all the same to God. Did I mention I love Jesus? Like, crazy much! I truly do. I believe what John 3:16 says. Jesus Icame for all of us (Not budging on that one, not one iota). No two Christians are ever going to be on exactly the same page regarding everything in the bible. We're never going to agree on every single solitary point. This is where we all have differences of translation.
Please don't get me wrong here, I'm not trying to wear different hats around different people from the varying aspects of my life, this is a constant battle going on inside of me. I am the same person in the dark as I am in the light. Yep, I'm totally flawed. I'm sure there will be a lot of people who won't agree with everything I say here or everything I do in this life. And that's okay with me. I don't agree with the way everyone else lives their lives, but judging their life is so NOT my place.
I am called to love, and I do, pretty much everyone. And in that loving, all I want, all I long for, is to be truly HAPPY with my life, truly proud of the person I am, and the experiences that shaped me into the woman I am. I am a room without a roof, I don't believe in confinement, I don't believe we all fit in this perfect little box. I have plenty of space for growth in an upwardly direction as well as all around me.
#justlovepeople #justacceptpeople
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