Welcome to my blog, it's my life, these are my thoughts. Sometimes they're cheerful and happy, sometimes they're a big pile of bantha fodder.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Stop the hate, spread the love

There’s this unfortunate side of life where no one agrees with anyone else, we each have our own stance on what truth is and what it’s not.  We each have different passions and those are made known through our words or actions or what we participate in.

Take religion for example….scratch the example part.  Let’s talk religion, spirituality, relationship or whatever you’d like to refer to it as. 

The bible has been translated so many times that it seems “man” adds to the word of God or takes away from it or interprets it in a way that contextually it loses its true meaning, it’s intended meaning from when it was actually spoken or God-inspired to the writer who penned those words.  There are numerous translations of the bible as well as many different languages, and the text itself being theologically reworded to a more understandable level.   The ability to comprehend what the word says comes from God.  He is the one who gives us the wisdom to read into the word what it was intended to say from the get go.

We are not all going to agree on every single thing that is in the Word (in translation) because to each one of us a particular scripture could mean anything, especially when we relate it to what’s currently happening in our life.

There is a huge uproar with Christianity, this has been going on for a long time.  Everywhere, across the globe, Christians are facing persecution for their faith, they’re being mocked, martyred, rights of religious freedom are being taken away, ten commandments being removed, prayer not allowed in school, the moral fabric of our country is being ripped apart stitch by stitch on a daily basis.  We are allowing ourselves to be abused by the media.  It’s “said” repeatedly that all Christians hate gays and lesbians and of course the ever so famous one “all Christians are hypocrites.”  We’ll get that that in a moment.
As Christians, we place our faith in a man named Jesus, who says he’s the son of God, but there are lots of people who believe he is just a teacher and a prophet who died a criminal’s death.  Personally, I believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the one true God.  I have placed my faith in Him.  I trust in Jesus, for he is my Savior.  I also believe that the bible is the infallible word of God. 

Back to my mention of gays, lesbians, same sex marriage, hypocrisy, Christian folks hating on others, others hating on Christians and the like.  Hate has to stop, but it has to begin somewhere.

I know what the bible says about marriage – man + woman = biblical marriage.  As a Christian, this is what I believe.  But I am not going to mistreat someone else, or make feel like less of a person for the choices they make in their life.  God is in charge of their heart changes; therefore, I won’t stand in judgment of that.   My place is not to judge ANYONE.  I can still uphold my beliefs and what I value in the Word of God and not become caught up in their world or their lifestyle – but I can still love them!

Hypocrites.  Yes, we are ALL hypocrites, especially those who think they aren’t.  I believe what the bible says, truly I do!  Do I live it every day?  No, I honestly don’t.  Do you realize how hard that is?  All we can do is strive to be Jesus to a broken and damaged world.   Honestly there are days that I don’t really feel all Jesus-like – at all!   Sometimes, when days are rough, emotions are raw and I just ain’t feeling it today – I just want to be free to meddle in my own bad thoughts.   So yes, I too am a hypocrite.  If you’ve ever or never graced the door of a church, you too are a hypocrite my friend.  And if you’ve never been to a church – think about the world you’re living in, anything you said you’d never do and you did it or still do it anyway?   Hypocrite.  I am seeking help for my hypocrisy.  What are you doing about yours?

I understand so many are bound by old school thinking, that’s the way there were raised and that’s the way their church taught them or maybe they are just very black and white when it comes to reading scripture.  I respect that.  I wasn’t raised in church, at all.   I realized my need for Jesus in 2006, that’s when I gave Him my heart.  I wasn’t raised to believe the all hell, fire and brimstone side of God’s word.  When I began going to church, I learned of God’s love, love came first.  As I grew and lost my sea-legs, I began to wade into the word more and more and have been learning every since…. I know about the wrath and wiping out the planet due to sin.  It doesn’t change the fact that I serve a loving God.  Serving God to me is by loving the unlovable, taking care of the less fortunate, not passing judgment on anyone , loving and accepting His people, his creations.

The bottom line to all this is simply this – we all need Jesus, even those of us who have Jesus, need more of him or we wouldn’t be acting like we have no Jesus at all.  How do you expect the world to listen to you and the hope you have when you aren’t acting any better than an everyday, unrepentant sinner.

Good heavens we all need a Savior, so act like you truly have one, then maybe someone who doesn’t have one, will maybe one day want yours!

Can’t we just love each other and leave the rest to God.  

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