On this glorious last day of 2013, we spent the day at home, actually we've spent several days at home. This morning our plans were foiled by my son, who woke me up this morning at 7:30ish to inform me of his vomiting escapades through the night - what fresh hell is this? Here we are all packed up and ready to be on the road to my aunts' for a couple days (I desperately needed to get out of town). We thought we'd wait a couple hours and see what happens and maybe it was just an upset stomach - because in this house, that's a very common occurrence, lucky us! After he ate a piece of bread and drank a little water and lost it, that's when we figured it may be more than just a tummy issue. Yeeeess! Just what I wanted to end the year with. We like to do things BIG around here. I am crossing my fingers that no one else gets it too. I've heard that this garbage has been going around for a while. I try to keep the boys from people whom I know have been sick or been around other sick persons... and I make them wash their hands, which is one of the horrible things I ask them to do that's for sure to make them wind up in a therapist office one day. Guess what happened this evening? Yep, started running fever. This excites me beyond words. Now I don't have to worry only about him puking everywhere tonight, I am also pretty sure he won't be able to keep down a fever reducer. Good for me, I am an essential oil junkie, so peppermint oil to the rescue!
My youngest hijacked my ipad earlier and has pretty much camped out with it all day. I think he misses his brother hanging out with him. I can say it's been much quieter in this house today. I can't complain too much, the kids hardly ever get sick. I am very thankful for that.
This pretty much encompasses my New Years Eve Day -
Rice Football (they lost), a handsome dog curled up on my feet, child #1 has a stomach bug and currently contaminating my love seat, child #2 has hijacked my ipad yet again ... this is how we wrap up 2013. Party on. On a positive note - I have Cheetos Puffs and that makes life extra cheesy and finger-licking good, it's just a crying shame they aren't stale already. That's okay, because tomorrow is another day for stale PUFFS!
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