We're friends right? How do you know if someone is really your friend? How can you tell the difference? A true friend is someone who's there for you. Someone who knows whats going on in your life without even asking. Someone whom you can sit with in silence and it wouldn't be the slightest bit uncomfortable. Someone to listen to you when you just need to vent, or cry, or fuss, or complain. Someone to laugh with. Someone who knows you, what you like and dislike. I seem to find myself falling away from friendships lately. Is it me? That's usually the first thing I ask myself. Is it something wrong with me? Did I try in this friend/relationship?
Friendships are an investment of time and emotion. I love having friends. Women are just so catty and negative and emotional. I prefer being friends with guys. Plutonic of course. I have several really good friends who are guys. They know where the line is and I know where the line is and it doesn't get crossed. These are guys who have been there for me during many different and dark times in my life, even during the hard stuff. From going through a divorce, to having my heart broken repeatedly and just being there to hang out and to listen.
Lady friends will abandon you in a heartbeat. When life throws out a few changes, you are quickly forgotten. Is that what a friendship is? I think not. If you have friends, whether they are male or female - invest time in them, don't just put them off by the wayside. You never know when you'll need them or they'll need you.
I thank the Lord for the friends he's brought into my life, ones just passing through and especially so for the ones who've stayed.
As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. Proverbs 27:17
I thank you GUYS (Rusty, Tim, David & Kevin) for your friendship and you too Tiffany Ann, my best girl =)
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