Saturday, December 31, 2011
Goodbye 2011
Goodbye 2011, it was nice knowing ya! Looking forward to 2012, a new and better year filled with happiness and joy and fresh starts!
Let EVERYTHING that has breath PRAISE the LORD! Psalm 150:6
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Diving into something new
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Surprise Surprise Surprise
He causes us to remember his wonderful works. How gracious and merciful is our Lord! - Psalm 111:4
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Just a little crabby
Woke this morning and decided that we'd go to the beach. Not a typical Sunday morning for us, but the Lord is always with us, no matter where we are. Listening to the waves crash onto the shore, kids laughing, the sun kissing my skin. A little friend of Ian's caught a tiny little crab, he was so cute... Ian's words were "oh, it's so beautiful! Can we keep it??" By the time it was all over with Ian released him back into the sea so he could live. I was glad he let it go. He has a tendency to keep things...usually live things, and put them in baggies. It was a nice day and Ian saved a life. ♥
I've learned that apparently when you let go and let God, he actually does the letting. ♥
Thursday, June 23, 2011
MIssing in action
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Harry the turtle
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
A lone tree
You know I was really touched the other day, I got an email from a friend of mine, Fletcher, who is going through a tough time. I had painted this piece:
Lord, I give this day to you and all the days coming, I pray for your hand and blessing on each of these days. I pray you would go before me and guide each step I take.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Boom Boom Pow!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
May 1, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
A freshly baked blog post
Life is still crazy and has it's share of ups and downs. Some days are better than others. We are still working on getting my big boy straightened out with meds. Hoping and praying that these are working for him and since I am not at school with him during the day, I am not sure how well that is working out. Worried about his TAKS testing next week... God please guide him through these tests. He really needs to do well on them.
Personally, I am still not sure on the decisions that I need to make. I am afraid of the way I feel. I also feel that I am not useable by God because of the feelings and thoughts that I have. I know that anyone can be used by the Lord. I just feel like I am not a good witness, although the Lord knows where my heart is. Of course, He also knows exactly what will happen with this life has given me. I just wish he would clue me in a little. I still have to make some choices and I need all the guidance He can give!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Aspergers anyone?
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Keep your thoughts to yourself
Uncomfortably Numb
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
H-E-L-L-O!!! Can anybody hear me?
Monday, February 28, 2011
A drive, for the heart and soul
Humble thanks to you Lord, for your provision and rescue.
Today, I still feel broken. I am so sick at heart. Lord, please heal my heart.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
As dead as a winter tree
i feel totally broken
but i know beauty comes from ashes.....but right now my heart is squelched
Saturday, February 12, 2011
What is a friend?
Friendships are an investment of time and emotion. I love having friends. Women are just so catty and negative and emotional. I prefer being friends with guys. Plutonic of course. I have several really good friends who are guys. They know where the line is and I know where the line is and it doesn't get crossed. These are guys who have been there for me during many different and dark times in my life, even during the hard stuff. From going through a divorce, to having my heart broken repeatedly and just being there to hang out and to listen.
Lady friends will abandon you in a heartbeat. When life throws out a few changes, you are quickly forgotten. Is that what a friendship is? I think not. If you have friends, whether they are male or female - invest time in them, don't just put them off by the wayside. You never know when you'll need them or they'll need you.
I thank the Lord for the friends he's brought into my life, ones just passing through and especially so for the ones who've stayed.
As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. Proverbs 27:17
I thank you GUYS (Rusty, Tim, David & Kevin) for your friendship and you too Tiffany Ann, my best girl =)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
He's so smitten!
If you are not in Christ, you will be in a place that constantly burns with fire, known as Sheol (place of the dead) or another name for it is Hades. You will die and physical as well as, a spiritual death.
I don't understand why it's so hard to understand the Gospel. It's so simple. I couldn't believe it took me as long as it did to finally "get it". After I was able to comprehend it all, I thought to myself "why is this so hard for others to believe".
God sent his one and only Son, Jesus, to the earth. Jesus stepped down from the right hand of God, and He became sin for us. He took on the sin of the entire world (you, me, our kids, your neighbor, your bff, everyone!) And he was crucified, our sins were nailed to the cross with Him. In Christ's resurrection, he overcame the grave! Walked on earth for 40 days and then He ascended to Heaven. We no longer have to be held hostage by sin. That doesn't mean that we won't sin ever again, it simply means that we are forgiven sinners. God loved us enough to put the plan of salvation in action.
Back in the Old Testament days - a person would repent by transferring their sin to an animal - the animal would then be sacrificed, meaning that person would be cleansed of sin. This is basically the same concept. Christ Jesus became the "sacrifice", ending the old testament ways of sacrificing animals. He became "the sacrifice" for all mankind. All we have to do now is turn to God and Jesus. Admitting to God that you are a sinner, believing Jesus is God's son and asking for forgiveness. It really is that simple. I am so gracious and thankful that God loved me enough, a lowly sinner, to want to save me.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Yea, he's definitely mine!
Yea, that's my kid.
The one covered in markers?
Yea, that's my kid.
The one with paint on his shirt?
Yea, that's my kid.
The one who's is intently drawing?
Yea, that's my kid.
The one who's always making stuff?
Yea, that's my kid.
The one who wants to be an artist when he grows up?
Yea, he's definitely mine!
I love how your little hands are always covered in markers and paint. I love how your little fingers pick up just the right color of Superman blue and Superman red. How thoughtful you are to draw pictures just for me. I love how you dig in my craft drawers and steal my tape, scissors and paper. I love how you take all my crayons and create art - then break all the crayons in half...maybe they're easier for your tiny hands to hold that way. I love to watch you color and draw. Your hands intently working to display on paper what you see so clearly in your mind. You are a super talented child. You are so smart! I can't wait to see what you become.
I got to hold you and snuggle with you this morning, like I do every morning. I look forward to that each day. Getting to wake you up with snuggling and tickles and kisses. I love your little tiny body, I could just absorb you into my being and never let you go. You are my little firecracker! Such power and might embodied in a little human being. You are a truly amazing kid. I am proud to say "Yea, he's definitely mine!"
A Birthday Abundant in Smiles
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Honest to blog!
Tonight we are going over to some friends house to discuss ministry stuff. Looking forward to hearing what they have to say about it and see how it would involve us and still trying to see if we are to be involved or not. I really want to be a part of this. I think I am afraid of it for reasons of being freshly hurt. Not sure at this point why I'm afraid to commit to this. Waiting on the Lord to lead us to an answer, well I am waiting on the Lord to lead ME to an answer anyway. Not quite sure where Rustys head is on this one.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Bracing for the cold!
Today I made Hummus for the first time - it turned out really good. I liked it a lot. I ended up combining 2 recipes.
1 can garbanzo beans, liquid drained and reserved
2 tsp ground cumin
1 clove minced garlic
1 tbsp sesame oil
fresh ground salt
Mix in a blender or chopper, use some of the reserved liquid to add back to it as you blend it til you reach the desired consistency. Comes out like bean dip. I love the flavor the sesame oil adds to it.
Serve with crackers or pita chips, my hubby has suggested Fritos...... he's a guy =)
Anguish to Joy
Psalm 55:1-5 (NLT) - Listen to my prayer, O God. Do not ignore my cry for help! Please listen and answer me, for I am overwhelmed by my troubles. My enemies shout at me, making loud and wicked threats. They bring trouble on me, hunting me down in their anger. My heart is in anguish. The terror of death overpowers me. Fear and trembling overwhelm me. I can’t stop shaking. - This scripure describes a lot of pain and anguish over a certain situation. Then, she said this is a Psalm pertaining to the betrayal of a close friend – WHOA! Are you serious!!! I know my mouth had to have dropped wide open and of course the tears came again. Listening to her speak on anguish and how it felt to my soul and the betrayal of a friend/s – it hit me in the heart.
In hearing all of this I also learned that anguish is meant to lead to a birth. Mental anguish is like the mind being in labor. There is something beautiful meant to take place from all this pain. In relation to childbirth – we go through harsh labor and pain and then when this beautiful child enters the world, when it’s all over, we forget the pain and our pain turns from anguish to joy! What does this mean to me? It means that something lovely and amazing is going to come from all this “stuff” I’ve been going through. I know God has a plan. He is revealing things to me through others – it’s amazing! We have been asked recently to become involved with beginning a brand new ministry, from the ground up. It will be involving the 18-29 year age range, getting into the meat of God’s word with them. This is an age range that is often overlooked – there needs to be a way to bridge that gap. Children are with children – the more mature folks are with the more mature folks… then there’s us – the 20+ & 30-somethings. This totally sounds like an incredible ministry opportunity. I am very excited to hear more from God on this and see where he leads us both in serving Him. My desire is to serve Him, in whatever way he desires for me.
- Thank you Lord, for your word last night, I was utterly floored and amazed. I felt as though the entire message was directed at me, it was as if you were the one explaining all this to me. I treasure you Lord, I treasure your word, I love that your ways are higher and your ways are better – even when I don’t understand them. You are the God of my days and the Lord of my life. Only you are worthy of my praise. In the saving name of Jesus Christ, Amen and Amen! (truly truly!)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
Family Ties
Thank you Jesus for what you've done and you're going to do in this situation. Please instill me with the peace that I need to begin this healing process.
A fresh new way to my day
I pray. Normally I just kinda do these small prayers throughout the day. I tend to just wake up, let my feet hit the floor, and get my day started. I have gotten away from a morning prayer time, that time of the day when I should get up and "give" my day to the Lord. This morning, in light of the SS lesson yesterday, I did that. This morning went so much better. I didnt raise my voice as much and I just did the hands-on approach to getting my kids ready for school. Instead of just expecting that they - brush teeth, comb hair, clean hands, etc.... I pray the Lord will strengthen and equip me to be the parent that He intends me to be.
Lord - thank you for your Revelation to me.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Here's a rundown on my favorite artists - The who's who on who inspires me to pick up a paint brush:
My #1 Inspiration: My Gram'ma Belle - a beautiful lady with an amazing eye for painting, which she developed over many years. I grew up watching her paint, going to her studio, posing for paintings she did, dressing up in her clothes. Learning what amazing and wonderful things a person could do with paint and a little imagination. This is one of the paintings that my grandmother did before I was ever born. This piece measures a staggering 6ft long by 3ft high! It's beautiful. It's currently is hanging in the entryway in my house.
My #2 Inspiration: Vincent Van Gogh - a troubled young man, whom I can relate to in many many ways, troubled in the mind, wanted to do well, had good intentions and seemed to dive into things with an unimaginable drive! His bold use of color and harsh brush strokes showed that he was not afraid of what would come out on the canvas. He went at painting with passion! His artwork currently adorns the wall in my livingroom, along with numerous books that I display about him, his life and his art. How I love Vincent - he's my boy!
My #3 Inspiration: Bob Ross - a soft hearted, gentle spirited man with an amazing eye and easy use of the paint brush, all he was doing was looking for a gentler outlet - a time away from the harshness of his military lifestyle. Painting gave him peace. Each subject in his paintings have a personality all their own, happy little trees! He amazes me with the ease that painting came to him. A warm and talented soul. He makes me a very happy little tree indeed.
My #4 Inspiration: Claude Oscar Monet - a wealthy man in his time. He not only painted beautiful paintings, but he also tended to and maintained the gardens and subjects from which he painted. This was such a neat man. He patiently waited til the flowers bloomed and lilies blossomed so that he could paint them in all their glory and beauty. Each season had it's own surprises. My favorite painting of Monet's is the Japanese bridge at Giverny. Although I completely love all of his Waterlilies studies. There are many different paintings of the bridge at Giverny, but THIS bridge is by far one of my most favorite paintings of all time. His use of color is extraordinary. It is currently housed at the MFAH (Museum of Fine Arts Houston).
Sunday again
Today was the Lord's Supper at church. Today, I just could not partake of it. I couldn't bring myself to "fake" repent, or to repent in a way that was rushed and not heartfelt. I wasn't about to eat and drink judgement unto myself. That's a scary scripture - but it does make you stop and think. I have several heart issues right now. I can't seem to make myself repent just yet, but what I do know, is that I am praying that God will change these heart issues I have, and He is. Slowly but surely. As hard as it is, I know it's exactly what should happen. I never intend on entering into something for a short term, and I hate when outside things interfere with my heart. I know that every heartache that touches my life, has to go through Your hands.
My prayer life is lacking somewhat...I am not devoting enough time to God to be filled by Him, His word, His Spirit. I don't have a set devotional time. I try to keep in fellowship and keep company with Him all throughout the day. Maybe I should take a few minutes each morning before the day starts and just be alone with God my Father.
Lord, please help me to be as crazy in love with you as you are with me. That I too may be as smitten with you as you are with me. Thank you Jesus for being the Lover of My Soul.
Love - your daughter
Thursday, January 27, 2011
My lastest pieces
The one thing I feared
So I have found myself sitting in the one place I feared. Not that I fear the people, just that I fear the assignment. I am leading/facilitating a bible study on Wednesday nights. This was the one place that I never anticipated being.
Since the events of the last few has finally calmed down and the air seems to have somewhat cleared, I am still serving the people I love, God's ladies, not in the capacity that thought I would be, but I'm gladly serving. This last month has been majorly rough on me mentally and physically too (I am just fatigued). If this is the place God has called me to be, right now, to serve His ladies, then I will be there.
I truly do enjoy the ladies that God has allowed me to spend my Wednesday nights with. We get to discuss God's word, and learn more about Him and ultimately deepen our relationship with Him. I sometimes feel that the ladies are not getting all they can out of the class though. I wish there was something else to do that would liven it up. That each lady could walk away knowing that they can definately make it through the rest of the week, because they have been encouraged by the Word of God and that they got to know Him a little bit more. I don't feel, (this is just me), that I do lessons any justice. Although, it's not up to me, it's up to God to move and work in the heart of each person. I pray for his anointing on the ladies that participate in this class. I love them and God loves them even more than I can imagine.
I am blessed to be in the presence of great company with a bunch of ladies with a ♥ for God.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Before and After....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Welcome to the Jungle
Welcome to the jungle, this is where evil lurks in the dark and around every corner. Waiting to pounce on you, and eat you alive. It's comes to kill, steal and destroy. It wants to take your joy and your reason for living. It wants you to doubt everything and lose heart in everyone. It makes you turn your eyes away from the One you should be focusing on - Jesus Christ. EVIL SUCKS!
My life can be likened to a rollercoaster ride of emotions lately. The funny thing is that people can say whatever they'd like to, but it doesn't make it true. Even when you know it's not true, it's still hurts that people can and will betray you - no matter where you are. I stepped down from doing something I loved, in hopes to keep the peace. I don't like drama, confusion or chaos or fakeness! When I felt God was calling me back to what I had just resigned from... the response was less than what I had thought it would be. I got the feeling that maybe I was wanted out of that particular thing. Praying about something is great, if you actually do it, and mean it. Don't tell me you're going to pray about something, as an excuse to hold me off. It has been so hard. I feel so betrayed. I feel like no one had the nerve to come talk to me about the issues at hand. Instead of hearing from me, they assumed, which in turn makes an a** out of u and me. My feelings are raw, I wear my heart on my sleeve, I say what I think for the most part.
I feel myself pulling away, which of course is exactly where the evil one wants me. I refuse to let him get foothold on me. I am desperately trying to cling to Jesus through this crazy ride, I am trying to keep my focus on Him, because it's not about me or mixed up emotions. It's about Him and I know He can get me through it. I am angry, hurt and confused, but I am NOT angry at Jesus, hurt by Jesus or confused about Jesus at all. I am not pulling away from him. He will never leave me not forsake me, therefore, I will not leave or forsake Him.
I've been reading Song of Solomon lately (very good book too!) I feel like the young lover (me) who is searching for her lover (God) and goes to find him, seeking him in the night and she ends up being beaten by the night watchmen (aka - the villains in this story), because they think she is NOT who she says she is. Her (my) heart is totally in the right place, but others are doubting me. Thats alright, thank God, He knows my heart, even when I don't.
I pray for the peace that surpasses all understanding to flood my heart and my mind, Lord, and that I will keep my eyes firmly focused on you - The Lover of my Soul.
Yes, I do!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
♥ BFF ♥
All of that.... for this.
I am so grateful to God that he keeps him promises and humbles me, so that I may hear his voice more clearly.
I thank you Lord for showing me the way.