Here we are after another exciting weekend! We went this past Saturday night the a church in Houston to see their Celebration Christmas program. It was good. A funny little program including a mall and toys and last minute shoppers and Santa flying in with style - in a sleigh suspended from the ceiling - very cool! It was followed by a more serious program, including live animals (sheep, donkey, and a HUGH elephant). This portion of the program depicted the birth, death and resurrection of Christ. It was very touching. Something about seeing it portrayed live, brings it all back fresh to my mind exactly what Jesus went through for all of us. Not that I ever forget, but sometimes we all need reminding. It really was wonderful.
Yesterday the boys had their Christmas party in the childrens department, and it lasted through worship! It was wonderful. I could actually sit there and NOT tell someone to - stop, be still, be quiet, dont rip those pages out, put the envelopes back, no you can not go to the bathroom, no you can not have a drink of water, stop breaking the crayons, please sit in your seat, please sit up, get off the floor, leave your brother alone, etc....... I was really a nice blessing.
Last night was really nice too. We have lots of talented people at our church. The ladies and gentlemen put on an Orchestra and Handbell Concert. A lot of work and practice went into that.
I did learn a very interesting and wonderful thing last in bible study. We are currently studying Revelation. Revelation 19 describes the Rider on the White Horse (Jesus) as he is coming to get us - His bride. What was the coolest thing to me is that "He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself" - Revelation 19:12b A name that has never ever been heard by another human, never spoken by a person, never defiled by a human mouth. A name that ONLY Jesus knows! I find myself trying to imagine what that name might possibly be, but in my finite shallow mind, I can't think of anything that it could be. Of all the different names of Jesus throughout the bible - This is the one that we have to wait to hear. The mere thought of this just blows my mind and fascinates the fire out of me. Awesome, awesome, awesome!
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