I experienced something amazing this past Sunday morning. I had this amazing vision of God in all His glory and His holiness. It moved me to tears and it weighed on me most of the day, which I welcome! It was a touch from God in a way that I've encountered before, but this time was different. I could have just fallen on the floor and worshiped, I was so moved by the reality of His holiness. I realize how small and insignificant I am, compared to God, Our Creator. But no matter how small and miniscule I am - I matter to Him. He took the time to know me, before I was ever conceived, He knows what/where I will be in the future. He knows my children, and their children.
Psalm 139:17 "How precious are your thoughts about me, O God! They are innumerable!" - a Holy Almighty God who is concerned with me!
I would like to share something with you that I have learned, this amazing description of Our Holy God. I pray that you are blessed and moved as you read this.
In Hebrew, the Holy God is translated as "El Hakkadosh":
* God is "Perfect" - He is 100% good, Morally Excellent and Spiritually Sound, His righteousness is pure and absolute. Isa 5:16 - "The Holy God shows himself holy in righteousness"
* God is "Uncommon, Set Apart, Extraordinary" - He is separate from all that is sinful, He is exceptionally uncommon, He can be compared to no one or no other thing, He is exceedingly different - "To whom then will you compare me, that I should be like him?" says the Holy One - Isa 40:25
* God is "Illustrious" (I really hope you can picture this - this is astounding!) - holy also means illustrious, being holy means to "radiate or to shine brightly" it's "brilliant", "dazzling and magnificent". Being holy means also to be "spectacularly brilliant!" All I can say to that is WOW! "Worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness, tremble before, all the earth" - Psalm 96:9 Can you imagine this picture of holiness? I am just floored over this amazing visual of Our Holy God, if words can not describe His glory, can you imagine what heaven will be like!
Rev 4:8 - "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, the one who was, and is and is to come"
Hebrew back in ancient times used repetition as a emphasis on a particular idea, in this case with Holy, Holy, Holy.
Think about it...... No, don't think about it - DO IT - I want you to re-read it OUTLOUD, adding more and more emphasis with each "holy".
Holy.... Holy.... Holy .... IS the Lord God Almighty, the One who was, and Is and is to Come!
How did you feel as you read that outloud? What were your thoughts as you read that? Any new revelations?
Dazzling light - we are supposed to be dazzling lights also, are we dazzling with our holiness? We are made holy and set-apart through the blood of Jesus Christ, we are in right standing with God. You must be holy because I, the Lord you God, am holy. - Leviticus 19:2
Your turn: Pray if you feel led to, to ask our HOLY God to reveal Himself to you today. Pray and ponder over the verses of scripture listed and see how He reveals himself to you. I want to realize that you are always standing on holy ground, always in the presence of God, he is our friend BUT He is also our Sovereign Lord - Moses was told by God in Exodus 3:5, to remove his sandals because he was on holy ground. Take off your shoes and approach our God with respect and sincerity, for you are a guest of THE King!
Praise you God for your Word!
Ref's: Holy Bible New Living Translation & a little from - Knowing God By Name, by Mary Kassian (A-MAZING book!) Highly recommended.
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