Welcome to my blog, it's my life, these are my thoughts. Sometimes they're cheerful and happy, sometimes they're a big pile of bantha fodder.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Really? You want me to do this?

I am feeling led to surrender to ministry. I am nervous and a little scared - but there's nothing I can't do, especially if God is calling me to do it. I know the Lord will guide me and provide me with the necessary information and tools I need to accomplish the task. My feeling is that He is leading me to write bible studies for women, along the line of getting excited about scripture and all the treasure that the Word of God holds and longs to be discovered. My wish is that we as women, would get so fired up and so excited and become consumed by the word. In that process we would become utterly amazed and fascinated, completely floored and long to share the joy of what we have discovered in the word of God.

I have been feeling the call for quite a while, and for the last few weeks - I keep hearing "surrender to ministry" "surrender to ministry". I want to be obedient to God and do what He's calling me to do. Aside from being told, point blank a few weeks ago, I am still looking for that whack on the head, the hit me between the eyes, the handwriting on the wall confirmation. I pray that I don't disappoint God and will help build up women and get them excited about our Holy Glorious God.

Prayers are appreciated and very welcomed, if you feel impelled to do so.

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