Welcome to my blog, it's my life, these are my thoughts. Sometimes they're cheerful and happy, sometimes they're a big pile of bantha fodder.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Letting Go & Finding Myself

I am choosing MY life, moment by moment.

It is my turn to decide what makes me happy and follow my heart.  I am currently free.  Free from a man or significant other, free to choose, free to be alone if I want.  Fuck everyone else and what they think and what they think I should do.  It's my time to create THE LIFE I WANT, they way I want things to be, the way I see them.  A life foremost for myself and also my children. Screw everything and everyone else.

I've spent the last many years being quiet and going with the flow.  Fuck the flow.  I want passion, I want happy, I want joy and I want security.  I want to enjoy the things that matter most to me. I want simplicity and art and the beach and nature and good books and coffee and real true uninhibited unconditional love.  I want my zest for life to be reflected in my personality and the way I come across to other people.  I want to enjoy this one short life that I've been given.  I don't give myself near enough credit or build up my own self esteem near enough.  I get down on myself and think I am just a useless human being that has no value nor adds value to anyone else's life.

It's time to let go....

of fear
of anger
of worry
of anxiety
of the past
of sadness
of negativity
of frustration
of depression
of helplessness
of hopelessness
of the self doubt
of doubt in general
of being overly conscious
of the feeling of worthlessness
of worrying about what other people think of me

Will I ever get all the answers to the questions I have with regards to the past, yes, here's my answer - because fuck, shit fucking happened, it did, I can't do anything about the past or worry about the reason things happened.  People fuck up all the time.  Am I supposed to hold a grudge?  No, because all that is going to do is make me completely crazy and plant more doubt and hopelessness in my heart and mind and make me feel as though I wasn't enough.  Maybe I wasn't, but I will be enough for someone else someday.  Right now, I don't even care.  

It is all this negative stuff the weighs me down and makes me feel bad about ME.  This is the weight I need to lose, to shed this shit and to become lighter in my heart and my mind  So I am choosing to free my mind.  

If it doesn't feed my soul, it has to go away.

My past was a learning experience for my future so bring on the future!  Let's do this shit!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Freebird Part 1

I don’t want and can’t allow the highs to be high and the lows to be so low in my life.  I can’t allow these fluctuations in my emotions.  I feel like I am on a crazy ass roller-coaster ride and my seat belt just isn’t doing the job of holding me in my seat.  I am suffering from emotional whiplash.  My emotional neck is wrecked from getting whipped one way and then another.  Extreme to extreme.  I get so excited to talk to him and laugh with him and be silly with him.  That happiness is always being overshadowed by the things he says and it quickly jerks me back to reality, like being awakened from the most wonderful dream.  Startling me and disappointing me all at the same time.  It totally sucks.  I want his sweet words to ring true in my heart, in his actions and in how he treats me.  It doesn’t   One cannot live a life of defense and be happy at the same time.  Defense equals guarded equals shutdown equals unhealthy equals destruction.  I cannot live like that.  Chaos causes confusion.  Hell, it’s even deceitful, it’s making a person believe you are one way when in fact you’re not that person at all.  He is not the same person I met 8 months ago.  Maybe he was this person, but was covering him up behind a sweet smile and glorious words dripping with honey.  Nabbed me and called his own.  Then bam, out comes the wolf in sheep’s clothing.  I am extremely frustrated with his jealousy.  Do I want to live my life feeling like I am always being kept tabs on?  Jealousy only shows a huge lack of distrust.  Either you trust me or you don’t.  You have no reason to not believe the words I say.  I am who I am, I say what I think, and I feel what I feel.  You want me to smile when you tell me that you love me?  You want my heart to skip a beat when I see your name pop up on my phone?  You want me to want you and you alone?   Then treat me like a woman, a lady, a friend, a lover, a partner in this life.
A bird has to be bird and fly free.  Free from accusations.  Free from strife.  Free from being questioned.  Free from feeling judged.  Free from my breaking point.  Free from being on the defense.  I just want to fly free.