Is your mouth saved?
Such a simple question with a huge meaning.
When we admit to God that we are a sinner, believe that Jesus is God's son and accept Jesus as our Savior, we don't think about about what all that entails. You accept Jesus "as you are".... then you start to fade away a little, you start learning, growing, morphing into a Christ-follower and it's great and wonderful! Life has new meaning! Such a simple question with a huge meaning.
I will use this idea as my analogy - I accepted Christ when I was Medusa (she a mythological woman with snakes as her hair, ugly all over). As Medusa's head - I accepted Christ - just a touch of faith. The more I grow and lean into God and his leading, I cut off one of those snakes. I grow some more, I lose another snake...and so forth and so on. Til I become the person God wants me to become, the woman he is molding me into. The scary part is when you notice that there is still a couple of snakes that desperately need to be cut off and your 8 year old lets you know. At this point a few scriptures comes to mind.... for the overflow of the heart comes out of the mouth..... do not use foul language, etc, etc.... My son said a swear word last night because Mario would NOT do what he wanted him to do on his DS.... all the sudden I hear "dammit!" from the living room. I call him with no reply, so I TOLD him to come here, he showed up with his hands over his mouth - he knew immediately what he had done wrong. I told him to get in the corner, so he did. Later on we commence to having a conversation about saying bad words. He tells me, "why can y'all say those words and we can't".... oops! I explained to him that we aren't supposed to say them either, sometimes it slips out and it's called sin. I told him that he could tell me 'hey mom, you said a bad word and you aren't supposed to say that" - gave him permission to chastise me, if needed. Our kids pick up on everything we do, even when we think they are listening. They notice. We can't preach to them and not follow through, ourselves. We are to lead by example.
We I woke up this morning, I logged into FB and I saw a post someone had made about a local female preacher and part of her sermon was - Is Your Mouth Saved? I thought WOW! God is trying to tell me something. I believe I will try much harder to heed this warning, not only for God, but for my children as well. I too shall try harder to practice what I preach.